Whoopi Goldberg faces oпliпe backlash over commeпts aboυt 17-year-old Trυmp graпddaυghter’s coпveпtioп speech

Most viewers of the Republican National Convention praised the speech given by
former President Donald Trump’s granddaughter, but liberal comedian Whoopi
Goldberg had a different reaction.
Goldberg told her audience at “The View” that Kai Trump had tried to humanize her
grandfather and that they should not fall for the scheme.

“For me, I have a lot of faith in the American people! And I don’t know very many
men who want to be talked to the way that this man has been talking to men in his
“l don’t know any women, and I know his grandchild was up on the thing and
they’re trying to humanize him and change your idea about who this guy is. Don’t
fall for that!” she said to loud applause from the crowd.
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The teenager spoke on the second day of the convention and defended her
grandfather by accusing the media of lying about him.
Some critics on social media accused Goldberg of attacking Trump’s granddaughter.
“Shame On YOU Whoopi & The PRODUCERS of The View For Allowing It To Air.
Whoopi Should Be Fired From The View!” said the official account for the retired
wrestler Sgt. Slaughter. “Completely Uncalled For, Distasteful, Disrespectful &


“Whoopi Goldberg mocked Trump’s 17-year-old granddaughter’s speech. She’s
going after a minor. Absolutely sick,” responded the popular Libs of TikTok account.
“Whoopi is officially broken,” read another response.
On Thursday, the convention closed with a long speech by Trump, who appeared to
lower his tone after surviving an assassination attempt.

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