Candace Owens COLLECTING OPINIONS to propose blocking Lia Thomas from becoming a coach: ‘LET THINGS HAPPEN NATURALLY’

Candace Owens Collects Opinions to Propose Blocking Lia Thomas from Becoming a Coach: ‘Let Things Happen Naturally’

Candace Owens, a conservative commentator known for her outspoken views, has recently stirred controversy by collecting opinions to propose blocking Lia Thomas, a transgender athlete, from becoming a coach. Owens’ stance is grounded in her belief that sports should remain a fair competition, adhering to what she calls the natural order.

Owens took to social media to express her concerns and gather public opinion. In a series of tweets, she argued that allowing transgender athletes to compete in categories that align with their gender identity undermines the integrity of sports. “Sports are meant to be a competition of physical prowess,” Owens stated. “When we blur the lines of biological differences, we risk losing the essence of what sportsmanship truly is.”
Lia Thomas, who has gained national attention as a transgender swimmer competing at the collegiate level, has been at the center of a broader debate about transgender inclusion in sports. Thomas’ achievements in the pool have been celebrated by some as a victory for transgender rights, while others, like Owens, view it as an unfair advantage over cisgender athletes.
Owens’ proposal hinges on the idea of letting things happen naturally, implying that the current inclusion policies are forcing an unnatural balance in sports. She argues that by allowing transgender athletes to compete and potentially coach in their affirmed gender categories, the integrity of women’s sports is compromised. “We must protect the sanctity of women’s sports,” Owens tweeted. “Allowing individuals who have experienced male puberty to compete and coach in women’s sports is not fair. We need to let things happen naturally.”

The public’s reaction to Owens’ initiative has been polarized. Supporters of Owens argue that her stance is a necessary defense of competitive fairness. They echo her sentiments that biological differences should not be ignored in the name of inclusivity. Critics, however, accuse Owens of promoting discrimination and denying transgender individuals the right to participate fully in society, including in sports.
Sports organizations and governing bodies have struggled to find a balance between inclusion and fairness. The NCAA and other sports federations have implemented guidelines for transgender athletes, but these policies vary widely and continue to be a point of contention. Advocates for transgender rights argue that inclusive policies are essential for the well-being and recognition of transgender individuals. They highlight that sports provide not just a platform for competition, but also for personal growth and societal acceptance.

Owens’ call to action has further ignited the ongoing debate. She is organizing a campaign to gather signatures and testimonies from athletes, coaches, and the general public to present to sports governing bodies. Owens believes that by compiling a comprehensive dossier of opinions, she can influence policy changes that will prevent transgender individuals like Lia Thomas from taking coaching roles.


In conclusion, Candace Owens’ proposal to block Lia Thomas from becoming a coach underlines the ongoing clash between inclusivity and competitive fairness in sports. While Owens advocates for what she believes to be the protection of natural competition, her stance raises significant ethical and legal questions about the rights of transgender individuals in sports. As the debate continues, sports organizations are challenged to find solutions that respect both the integrity of competition and the inclusivity of all athletes.

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