Boy Fears for Life and Begs Bus Driver for Help, Gets Kicked Off Instead

A young boy, fearing for his life, pleaded with a school bus driver for help. Believing he would be harmed if he stepped off, he begged to stay on the bus, where he’d be safe. The heartless driver kicked him off instead, and a video of what was waiting for the child has left parents outraged.

Locust Grove Public Schools
The child can be heard crying and pleading for the driver to save him from his bully. (Photo Credit: Screenshot via YouTube)

When parents send their kids to school on the bus each morning, they are entrusting their children’s lives to someone who is likely a complete stranger. While this notion seems strange in theory, bus drivers typically place the interests and wellbeing of their precious cargo above all else. However, there are occasionally transportation professionals who are merely there to collect a paycheck.

Although bullying has been a pitfall of the school system since the formation of public education, no parent ever expects that this will be cultivated by the adults whom they charge with protecting their children. Sadly, this was exactly the case when one boy came face-to-face with his tormentor.

The child was attacked by a bully after he was forced off the bus. (Photo Credit: Screenshot via YouTube)

A video recorded by another student captures a young boy’s heartbreaking plea with an Oklahoma bus driver to spare him from being beaten by his bully, according to KOTV. In the footage, the child can be heard crying and insisting that he won’t get off the bus while the Locust Grove employee yells at him to “get outta here!”

“You’re gonna kill and try to punch me,” he pleaded. “Hey, get outta here. Go!” the voice said.

The crying boy is then forced by the shouting driver to step off the bus so that an older student waiting at the doors can attack him. The bully is then seen knocking the child down with multiple punches.

The child begs the driver to let him off at his house rather than the corner stop only to be told to get off the bus. Another student on the bus can be heard encouraging the victim to “run” in an effort to escape the bully. The audio is undeniably heartbreaking, showcasing the callousness of the bus driver even as the child is ruthlessly beaten just feet away.

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